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Matthew Suski | Mechanical Engineering Student
Campus Involvement

Research Assistant for the Multi-Physics Interaction Lab
I am currently working as an undergraduate research assistant under Professor Hickey in the Multi-Physics Interaction lab. This involves running CFD simulations on one of Canada's high performance computing clusters, and preparing results. The simulations are done through SU2, and post processing the results through Visit. Currently my efforts have gone towards understanding the effects of disturbances in a bifurcated flow.

Orientation Week Coordinator
This past year I was one of four coordinators for engineering orientation week for the university of Waterloo. This involved organizing a team of approximately 300 leaders, for the incoming class of 1800 first year engineering students. This was an excellent experience in working with a large group of people, and organizing large scale events

Part Time Teaching Assistant
After my coop term working as a teaching assistant, I stayed involved in teaching and volunteered as a teaching assistant in the fall 2018 and fall 2019 terms. Teaching technical concepts has allowed me to develop my communication style, and helped me better understand the importance of tailoring my message to my audience, working on small and large groups, and understanding how to explain a concept to difference learning styles.

Engineering Society Council Speaker
As the speaker for the engineering society I was in charge of running the council meetings for the over 60 representatives every month. This included putting together the agenda for these meetings, and chairing them in order to maintain a collaborative, and productive discussion. This was an excellent opportunity to develop skills in leading meetings, in order to ensure all participants are able to contribute, without overextending the meetings beyond the point of productive conversation.
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